Saturday, May 29, 2010

Welcome to the world Hudson and Harper!

As you can imagine, life around our house is quite crazy these days! I've got 10 minutes before it's time to feed Hudson....but thought I should take advantage of the free minute to update with pics.
I'll post details of their birthday a little is on the way (ie: Grandma CooCoo (Ida)) so I'll get time in the next few days to post the wonderful, life changing details.
For are our two beautiful miracles! We are feeling blessed beyond words and SO in love with these two!

Many Blessings,

Blake, Noelle, Hudson and Harper


  1. They are so beautiful! (and love the names!!)
    The Jonswold's

  2. Congratulations!!! Hudson and Harper are absolutely precious! Love the names too! You are officially a Happy Hour Mom!

