Thursday, January 27, 2011

We have 8 month olds...

Boy oh boy, I can't even blink anymore because time is flying too quickly! I simply cannot believe Hudson and Harper are 8 months old! Seriously???
Soon we'll be planning their first birthday party, they'll be taking those first steps and we'll chasing around 2 extremely busy 1 year olds. But for now, I've got two rolly 8 month olds! Crazy!
Hudson will be crawling soon, he's spending lots of time on the belly lately trying to maneuver himself around to get at what he wants. He's rolling from wall to wall, but I can tell that isn't going to cut it for long.
Harper wants to stand. She makes her body stiff as a board and makes it difficult for you to sit her down because she wants to stand...ALL THE TIME! I don't know if she'll be much of a crawler. Something tells me she'll be a walker. Though her feet are so teeny, tiny (just like her great great grandma Fran and great grandma Tootie) that I'm not sure HOW those little feet will hold her up?
This weekend is their dedication/baptism....we're very excited! I've been preparing a menu of food, shopping, getting their outfits picked out, cleaning....on top of MOUNDS of work lately which leaves very little free time. But it's fun, and it will be an extremely special weekend!
I'm signing off because my to do list is longer than my grocery list....and our fridge is BARE! If that tells ya anything!
How precious are these 6 month pics taken by their amazingly talented nanny, Steph!!! We love her!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Month 6 Recap

And here we are peanuts are 7.5 months old and I'm just getting around to this.
Well well......I've got two very busy little twins and Christmas and work and yadda life's been a bit on the busy side.
But......better late than never and I'm SO excited to write their 6 month post because this has been such a fun month.
Poor little guy, you're a teething fool. You just cut 1 tooth (Jan 8th) but your Grandma says your daddy got 4 teeth at once and I think you're going to follow in his tracks. This has caused you to be a bit more grumpy than normal.....but I don't blame you!
You sit on your own, you can stand on your own when leaning your hands on something. You cut back to 2 long naps a day vs. 3 shorter one's.
You love squash, pears, apples and bananas. You like carrots and peas. NO WAY to the green beans.
You love biter bisquits which we also discovered Kingston does too. Thankfully, you laugh/giggle when he gently takes it from your chubby little hands.
You're still wearing size 3 diapers which are getting a little tight on you.
You have 5 bottles a day, each 6-8oz.
You love to be tickled....up your side, bottoms of your feet are two favorite spots.
You love to look at us, put your hands on each side of our faces and come in for a big open mouth smooch.
You love books, you love your bathtub book, you love baths, you LOVE the dogs, and you love to sit in your high chair and play with just about anything.
When you get excited, you put your hands straight out in front of you and twist your wrists while's so cute baby boy!
Life gets better every single day. I pray that this teething process is over soon because I know it means you're in pain and that breaks mama's heart. Can't believe you're already a half of a year old. Slow down baby boy!

You've got those two adorable pearly whites, which you are SO proud of. We've recently discovered you love to have your teeth brushed. I mean LOVE! You get all giggly and open up wide so I can brush those two little teeth....and it makes you laugh and smile so hard. I love it!
You still love bathtime. It's so fun to get you undressed at night because you know it's coming and you just jabber so loud, laugh and kick away knowing your fave time of the day is here!
You are great at sitting on your own, and even standing on your own for a short bit when leaning on something.
You have started to do the sweetest thing....when sitting in anyone's lap you constantly crane your neck around to look at the person holding you. You do it a lot when you're being read to. It's so sweet!
You love ANY food we give you. Honestly baby girl.....anything on a spoon is your favorite thing. I think you just really like being fed like a big girl and so whatever it is we gobble up.
You're in size 3 diapers which fit you great still.
You take 3 smaller naps a day and have been sleeping like a rock star at night. 12 plus hours of uninterrupted slumber. Getting all that beauty sleep!
You have 5 bottles a day, around 6-7oz each.
You are finally growing hair!
You love to blow bubbles with your mouth, swing your hands around and love it when we play patty cake or help you clap your hands.
You became a bit more mobile and stronger this month which I believe made you SO much happier and content. You're a smiley, happy little girl and as I said for Hudson....not a day goes by that doesn't get better than the first. I love you sweetheart and can not believe how much you have changed in the past 6 months.

We hope our 6 month photo shoot pics are almost done and ready to share here soon......soo I'll post them as soon as I'm able to!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Good times!

We've been playing with all kinds of new toys from Christmas.....but as we've learned in the last few weeks.....
Hudson and Harper love their high chairs (I think they love being in the kitchen/dining room for a new perspective and because they like to watch the action in the kitchen while I cook up something)
They also love their high chairs because it means they get to EAT!
They are into the game of throwing toys off of the high chair tray and then insist I pick them up. Over and over and over....we play this game. FUN!
Because I'm in the kitchen and something "new" is always fun and entertaining, the babes have been playing with all kinds of things: measuring cups, tupperware, bowls, ice cream name it!
Here are a few action shots!

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Say What?

Wait, I had all of these plans to write a post to close out 2010 with all of the wonderful things that have happened this year and all of a sudden it was New Years Eve and the my phone/planner read 2011!?

Sooo....still working on that post. Life has been wonderfully busy and so a little holiday recap is called for as well.

Right now, I'm up to my eyeballs in work so I've gotta get back to things.

Thank you SO MUCH to my dear friends and your emails and texts regarding my dad. His memorial service is this Friday in Duluth and I wouldn't say I'm looking forward to it by any means...but there has been this "looming" day approaching which has been with me daily so it will be nice to gather, mourn his loss and put his spirit and body to rest at peace.