Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BIRTH day!

It's HERE! Today I am 38 weeks pregnant and today our babies will be born.
There really are no words (even for this chatty Cathy) to describe all that I (we) are feeling as we prepare to go to the hospital to meet our babies. We have dreamed, prayed, and loved these two from the moment we saw them on the ultrasound when they were only 5 weeks and 6 days old!
And now we get to see them, kiss them, hold them and promise them a lifetime of love. It's completely surreal.
Blake and I have been on quite an emotional high so the tears have been flowing in our house.....so I'm gonna sign off before I start to get weepy again.
BUT, here is one last belly pic! I'll miss a lot of things about being pregnant...but I am pretty sure I am ready to lose this bump.....err mountain!

Next time we update.......we'll have baby pics, names, stats and lots of proud parents stories already I am sure!