Monday, March 28, 2011

Videos to make ya smile..

These two videos below are of the babes doin a little crib dancin. Every morning after we change from jammies to clothes....we pop on some music and do a little dancin. All is well until Hudson gets a little too close to Harper. That little peanut! Check out Hudson's crawling and "walking" to daddy! Such a strong little guy! This is Harper's giggle-fest at the yellow duckie. So funny! We have SOOOO many videos so I'll be better at posting. We have some really fun one's from when they were just teeny tiny!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Keeping us on our toes...

Just about everything these days are keeping us on our toes, and ready and willing to accept a change of pace, a change of direction, a change of priority. Here's a little rundown.

Hudson- You my love, keep us on our toes DAILY! This kid is into everything. He's one brave soul and is crawling, cruising the furniture without a fear in the world. He will pull himself up onto everything....the dogs, the large bookcase in the living room, the window. He's on the go....constantly. It seems for weeks now we've been getting a preview of what this little dude is capable of...but in the last few days it has reallllllllly taken off.

Harper- You're not far behind your big brothers tracks, little one. You're a little more reserved in your couch, bench, object crusing around the room but day by day, you're getting more brave. You do, however keep us on our toes with those puppies. You're still very interested in them and have recently been wanting to grab, pinch, squeeze their squishy faces which the dogs tolerate but mama needs to keep a close eye because your little pincher fingers are quite strong. Looks like the puppies need to stay on their toes too!

J-O-B- Never a dull day here and with a maternity leave 25 or so weeks is going to be NUTS for a while. I've got a trip to KS, MD and FL on the calendar and that's just a start.

House- Ugh. Back on the market. Doing a little investigating on an ice damn which has since melted but freaked out the buyers so they withdrew. Hoping and praying its stay on the market is brief and we can all move on. I mentioned before that life has us willing to accept a change in priority and though we do want the house to sell and believe it WILL.....we are fortunate to have our home, a big yard for the dogs, a great neighborhood and neighbors. So, we'll keep enjoying our stay on Westridge Lane until the RIGHT buyer comes in and falls in love with our home.

Birthday Party- This just feels crazy that my babies are going to be 1 year olds soon. Not knowing the situation with our home, we're picking a place to have the party just to be safe. So...plans are in place and I can't believe it but we are about a month away from mailing invitations!!! Save the will most likely be Sunday, May 22nd!

Pregnancy #2/Baby #3- How the heck am I almost 15 weeks already? Eeeeek! This pregnancy is F.L.Y.I.N.G by. Seriously, I feel like I blink and I've gained another week, pound and my belly gets rounder. Everything is so different this time with Hudson and Harper to keep my time occupied that though I think and pray for this little peanut all the time....the days/weeks are just flying by.

Soo...there you have it. There's so much in life right now that keeps us busy but life is grand. We enjoy being busy, being kept on our toes and wouldn't have it any other way.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

8 Months Late

Hi there.
Wow......I actually wrote this recap a while back but didn't post it. Whooooopsie!

Well, here she goes!

Harper Rae-ski
You're a bouncing, bubbly and dramatic 8 months old baby girl. You're full of smiles, have 4 pearly whites that you love to show off......and you've still got a flair for drama.
You laugh, you cry, you squeeel with delight, you get frustrated, cry and then laugh again ALL in less than a minute. NO LIE!
You really are quite the queen!
You looooove food! Anything and everything, you'll gobble it up.
You've lost a lot of interest in bottles. Mommy, daddy, Katie and Steph work with you to get the minimum of oz's in for the day but it's tough. You just want to eat what we eat.
You can wave and give High 5's
You LOVE peek-a-boo
You giggle and laugh when we play "pass the object back and forth"
You love bathtime still and have started to dip WAY forward and try to drink the water....perhaps from watching the doggies??? ;-)
Speaking of dogs, you LOVE those dogs. If you're having one of your "moments" we call a dog over and you're back to smiling and laughing.
Not a single interest in crawling. Nothing! You won't even bend your knees and get into a crawl do more of a plank.
You are a rock star sleeper at night! 12 plus hours, naps during the day (2 of them) are usually 45 mins to 1.5 hours.
Size 3 diapers
Baby blue eyes, you are more joyful and beautiful and amazing by the day!

Huddy Buddy
You're the strongest, most charming, friendliest and laid back baby ever. You make being your mommy so easy and you make me so proud.
You have just started to develop a little bit of "stranger anxiety" but if you're near mommy or have BIG huge smiles for the "stranger" which is so adorable.
You are STRONG! You are determined and an extremely fast learner.
You're crawling and I do believe you'll be walking very soon. You scale the furniture and are starting to get so good with balance that you're now barely hanging on to anything when standing. Crazy!!!!!
You're WILD in your crib. Crawling, pulling down the mobile, pulling up and have quite fun in there when it's "bedtime". Once you do finally decide to give in and go to bed, you sleep great!
You nap like a rockstar! 2 naps a day and sometimes both are 2 hours long!
You love blueberries, shredded cheese and cheerios.
You're much more particular with your food and are so interested in the world around, that even though you will's not your focus at dinner time. So much like daddy! He always says he "eats to live" not "lives to eat".
Size 3 diapers bud, but we really should get you into size 4
You're seriously the easiest little babe ever, Hudson. You play independently, you try playing with Harper, you are interested but gentle with the dogs, and you just light up when you see us. You truly do become more amazing and make me more proud every single day!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Babykins #3

Here he or she is!Beautiful little baby was just a wild one during this ultrasound on Wed, March 9th. Bobbing its head, waving, kicking and wiggling around. Such fun to watch! All looked great! Heartrate was 158bpm and baby measured 12w4d which keeps my due date around Sept 17th.'s becoming a little more real!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

BIG changes...Get ready!

Our first BIG change to announce......our blog is going to have to get a new name because our family of Elliott squared is getting a "plus 1". We're having a, another baby I rather as the twins are still very much our babies.
We're due Sept 17th, I'm 12.5weeks along and feeling GREAT! This is going to be a #3 is going to come when the twins are about 16months! Ahhhh!!!
This was a BIG, HUGE surprise to Blake and I but a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL and exciting surprise nonetheless! We feel SO blessed!

Here are a few pics of when we found out the BIG news.......and a recent belly pic, taken last week at 11 weeks.
So, our second BIG change will be our address! We are BEYOND excited to announce that we've sold our house! We close in a short 25 days so it is going to be pure chaos in the next few weeks.....but we will make it happen! We haven't bought a house yet, BUT we've got an offer one 1 so we're hoping we can find our next home soon. In the meantime, we'll move into one of our properties in St Paul until we find a new home. This house has been good to us. We started our family here, we grew from a family of 2 (plus pups) to a family of 4, expecting #5. But it's time for a change. So prayers that the next few weeks go smooth and the closing happens as planned!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oh fighting already

I had to share this video. For the most part.......pretty laid back video of the twins playing individually with their toys. Exciting video to send to Gpa, huh?
There's a few up-close shots of Kingston who wanted to be on the video but other than that, just babies playing by themselves but sitting next to each other.
However, right at the end, poor Hudson tries the tinyest bit of interaction with Harper and what does she do? She TUGS on his sleeve! Violence?
Oh boy.......they mostly get along but this is a frightening glimpse of what is to come.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1

Can't believe it's March! In like a lion and out like a lamb? I sure hope this year it's in like a lamb (it's beautiful out today) and out like a sweltering hot camel!?

Seriously.....I'm OVER this winter. O.V.E.R!

Lots to update! Babies are 9 months old! They are standing like crazy, blabbing "mama, dada" and singing all kinds of sounds. They are waving and "high 5'ing" fools as well! Harper started jammin' out to music yesterday dancing and rocking her little body back and forth, had her first REAL FULL BLOWN temper tantrum and is a bottle-hating, finger-food loving girl.

Hudson is a dare-devil...testing his limits and his strength constantly. His new trick is to stand up against this wicker trunk, slowly lift one arm, put it behind him on the couch, rotate his feet, lift the other arm and "Bam" transfer complete. He's on the move all the time.....wants up, wants down, wants to crawl, wants to roll, wants to stand, wants to stand with no hands.....busy, busy boy!

He's so comfortable and sturdy on his feet.....he will be walking in no time!

Their "update" is coming along with another rather big update. :-)

More soon!
