Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Grow babies grow...we've reached the big 3-0!!!

Waking up this morning knowing that we've reached 30 weeks was SUCH a great feeling!
According to my Dr's, reaching 32 weeks is my next big milestone but waking up this morning and knowing I made it to 30 weeks felt like SUCH an accomplishment to me. Thinking back just 5 weeks to my hospital stay, to the million emotions we felt as we faced the reality our babies could be born makes reaching 30 weeks feels amazing.
We'd love for them to stay put another 5 to 7 weeks, however so we're praying they listen to their parents and stay put ;-)
Life has gotten really uncomfortable these days. I've been feeling lots of back, hip pain and overall uncomfortableness. I'm not sleeping well at all at night because of how uncomfortable I've been feeling and I can honestly say that for the first time in this entire pregnancy....I felt ready for it to be over.
Thankfully, some nights are much easier than others which always makes me wake up feeling grateful to be pregnant another day. Pregnancy is a pretty miraculous thing.....but growing 2 babies at once is quite a surreal miracle I'd have to say.
Thursday, Blake and I are headed to our prenatal class "Expecting Multiples"- this should be quite interesting. The Dr gave me the "ok" to attend our birthing class but I'll have to arrive in a wheelchair chariot since they don't want me walking and I need to alert the instructor that I'm on bedrest.
Finally, Saturday I'm very much looking forward to the baby shower, hosted by Blake's family! It'll be fun to see everyone since we got snowed in at Christmas!
Here's my 30 week belly pic! I definitely look ready to pop!

Many Blessings,

Blake, Noelle and Babies

Thursday, March 25, 2010

29 Week Dr Appointment

Our week 29 Dr appointment went great! Such a good feeling to leave the Dr and know that everything looks good. Poor Blake is a nervous wreck when he's there.....it's not that Dr's offices make him nervous, but it's the in-depth ultrasound that really makes him anxious. We have had several biophysical profiles (BPP) done since week 20 and while I love watching both babies flip around, move, wave and learn their size, measurements....poor Blake gets more and more anxious. I think it's the feeling of helplessness....that if we were to see something alarming or that wasn't right- there isn't much we can do about it while the babies are in utero. Every good report we get, I think his anxiety goes down a bit. But it's adorable to see him get nervous....he is, afterall, always quite calm and collected!

Baby Stats:
Baby Boy (A) weighs approximately 3lbs6oz (that is up from 1lb14oz at our 25 week BPP)
Baby Girl (B) weighs approximately 2lbs11oz (that is up from 1lb9oz at our 25 week BPP)

Grow babies, Grow!!!

I will stay on bedrest until 32-33 weeks most likely, and then I will get a bit more freedom to move around. This means in a month I might be able to run to Target, Babies R' Us to take care of some last minute things before the babies come. YIPPEE!

Lastly, I added a list (to the right) of all of our upcoming Dr appts (there are TONS), nurse visits, and classes. April is going to be one busy month! That's it for now....back to "resting" and growing these babies!

Many Blessings,
Blake, Noelle and Babies

Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome to our Blog!

We're almost to the 30 week stretch folks! 29 weeks pregnant and figured it was really time to start documenting things as these next several weeks are going to be some of the most exciting weeks of our lives. So as the weeks pass...we'll be writing about the frantic ways we'll be preparing for life with 2 babies! Ahh!
Right now Blake is busy working overtime between our new business and new property which began demo on Saturday am. It seems he's running from point A to point B (and C and D) all the while, being Superman at home for me because I'm on bedrest and unable to do much. He's the grocery shopping, cleaning, dog walking, laundry doing, working man.....I'm pretty sure he's almost as ready for this pregnancy to be over as I am. :-)
I'm on my 29th consecutive day of bedrest...and hanging in there! Knowing that this is what I have to do to keep the babies growing inside before they make their big debut...makes it worth every day in bed, every ache/pain and every sleepless night. I'm measuring 35+ weeks (if I were pregnant with just 1 baby) so I'm definitely feeling the aches and pains that are associated with late pregnancy......although we have several weeks until our "official due date". Our Dr's would like us to make it to 36 weeks which is just 7 SHORT weeks away! YIKES!
I'll close this post with my 28 Week Belly Pic. Hard to believe I've got 7+ more weeks of growing to do. Eyeyeye-this is definitely going to get interesting!

Many Blessings,

Blake, Noelle and Babies