Thursday, September 2, 2010

Test anxiety

Well.....Harper failed her hearing test (left ear only) for the 3rd time in a row. Poor thing.
They are looking for her to respond to low and high frequency sounds and she's passing the high frequency, but not the low. She is VERY close to passing, but because she's not meeting all of the criteria, they can't pass her.
What comes next? She's having a test done called a ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response) test on Tuesday, September 7th at 1pm. Here is what that test entails:

An Auditory Brainstem Response Evaluation (ABR) is a type of test, usually performed for infants and young children, that evaluates how well sounds travel along the hearing nerve pathways from the ear to the brainstem. An ABR test, by evaluating the hearing nerve pathways, can identify cases of sensorineural hearing loss. It is a sleep EEG hearing test which shows the softest sounds your child's ears can detect at various pitches. The ABR compares changes in brain activity to the timing of repetitive sounds to determine whether the particular intensity of sound can be heard.
How is it performed?
There will be three or four small stickers/electroids on your child's head, connected to leads going into a computer. Sounds will be presented through an earphone to each ear separately while a computer analyzes the changes in the brain wave pattern in response to sounds.

The audiologist has every confidence that she'll pass this test....and so do we! I am nervous for it, obviously because any testing on my baby girl is nerve-wracking. But I'm also nervous because she needs to be sleeping for the test which is anywhere from 30-45 minutes. This little one has a mind of her own and so it's gonna take lots of prayer to make sure that she cooperates! ;-)

I titled this post "Test Anxiety" because it appears Miss Harper has this already! As stated, the audiologist has every confidence that she's not hearing impaired but that she's just having trouble passing this test in her left ear. If you remember me posting about the weekly tests I had done when I was pregnant to make sure the babies were growing/developing on track....little Miss Harper always kept us on our toes during these tests as well. Little stinker needed to show she could "practice breath" in utero for 30 seconds and she'd do it for 25 seconds and then quit. As I said way before she was born...this little one is a stubbor little cookie!

Thank you for your prayers....keep them coming! We'll know immediately what the results are and if there is any future steps to be taken!

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