Saturday, July 23, 2011


That's the word that best describes the little people that occupy my home right now. They leave us completely and utterly amazed.

Just a few days shy of their 14th's as if the wheels up there in those blonde heads is cranking at light speed. Everyday they are learning....such a beautiful and fascinating experience for us as parents. It's still so crazy to us that we can ask you to go pick out a book, grab your sippy, find your shoes, go find your baby (doll), monkey or football and you DO! Both are amazing at pointing to things too. Point to your puppy, point to the baby (in mommy's belly) and without hesitation those little fingers are pointing and saying "eh eh".
I haven't been doing great about updating their "monthly" milestones anymore. I figure once they turn 1 year.....we don't need the play by play. But for THEIR sake and MINE (baby books and record keeping)....I'm going to attempt some of the amazingness that transpired from months 12-14

You've morphed into this quiet, serious, thinker. You love to work things out...put blocks away by sorting out the pieces that don't belong. You like pushing around a shopping cart and putting things in, out, in, out and arranging them so they fit. Very analytical. You're also very cautious. While sister will jump with both feet into water or fling herself are a bit more reserved.
You're no longer're running. You fly through the house.....while I am working all day in the basement it sounds like a constant pitter patter.
You're very affectionate. You love to pet the dogs, hug my big belly, give kisses and snuggle. I love this most about you. You'll climb into our laps and just melt.
Talking: You are just overall a lot quieter than Harper. But when you do talk, you have lots to say. You say a lot of "nene, nana" and your first official "word" and by that I mean, you recognize something and assign the correct word to it is.....drumroll.....DOG! And "Hi" which anyone who basically drives down the street gets a big HI from you and a wave or kisses blown. You actually say "Da" but you point to dogs and repeat it over and over. It's definitely DOG! You also said banana the other night when we asked you to repeat it.
Signing: You're a pro at signing "More, All done and Dog". We're working on "food, thank you, please and help"
Physical Milestones: You've gotten very blonde and tall. This makes you less chubby and much more lean. And the blonde hair...with little curls on the end. So beautiful my baby boy! You can point to your nose, belly button and eye's.
Temperment: Very calm, mild mannered and easy going. Sister will take your just take them back. You do get frustrated though when you can't figure something out and you grit your teeth and sometimes run over to the couch cushion and bit it?!?!
You're goofy and wild. There is no way around it. Full of energy and totally unpredictable. You've been walking since just after your 1st birthday and are picking up pace and trying to run these days. Youv'e got a strange attachment to things daily. The gold necklace and bibs are almost always adorning your neck. One day I came upstairs from work and you had 3 bibs on. NO joke! You are opinionated about what you want on, shoes off, these shoes on, this necklace on, bow off, diaper off....we are always on our toes.
You still love tags. On clothes but mostly on blankets and bigs. You'll suck on the tag or just play with it between your fingers for an extremely long time. You're someone who wants instant gratifacation. When you're put in your high chair, you want to eat NOW. When you see me putting ice water in your sippy cup, you want it NOW. A strong woman you're going to be baby girl.
Talking: You never stop. You've got this beautiful little hum that goes from morning till bedtime with lots of laughter in between. Words you're saying are: All Done, Da (dog), Hot, You can also say "Hot Dog" (we dance to the Mickey Mouse Hot Dog dance every morning), and this isn't recognizable but you try to say "Hudson", Hi, Ba (ball)
Signing: You sign "All done, more and eat/food" very clearly. We're working on "Thank you, Help and Please"
Physical Milestones: Your feet grew the teeniest bit! Haha! You're petite....short like mama with little hands and feet. You can point to your nose, eyes, belly button and toes when asked to.
Temperment: As're silly. You love peek-a-boo, to be chased and to fling yourself around onto pillows or into blanket piles. You're fiesty and screeeeeeeech loud if your toy/book or necklace is snatched up by your brother. You're starting to become very affecionate. You weren't much of a cuddler a while ago, but recently have started to lay your head against me or daddy and just be. You don't sit still for long, which is why I think we don't get to cuddle much. But as you start to unwind before a nap or bedtime, you've started to cuddle more.

These days....they are exhausting at 32 weeks to be chasing two active one's but I wouldn't trade a thing. They are so much fun, so incredibly smart and life just feels so rich being able to watch the discovery of everything through their eyes.

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