First Up: Babykins
28 Week Dr Appt was rescheduled for Friday, but ALL looked great! Placenta moved up, baby measured right on track and this mama passed her Gestational Diabetes Test! Yay!
Baby was quite shy, no sneak peeks at it's face or even profile. I was so excited that the u/s tech switched the sonogram into 3D so we could actually SEE features. But baby was arms up, head turned away. NO SNEAKY PEEK for us! :-(
Second: Happy 4th of July!!!
We had a GREAT weekend! Blake headed up to Brainerd with friends, I came up for the day on Saturday after spending a few days with Grandma Marit in Melrose and then the twins joined us for a family 4th with close friends for a few days on Gull Lake. Such fun! The twins played in the sand, went for their first boat ride, made their debut at Ernie's On The Lake ;-), and had TONS of fun at the Grandview Lodge water park. Blake even talked to the lifeguard on duty and got the thumbs up to bring them on a water slide! We went into "town" and got ice cream, did some window shopping and ate lots of yummy food on the grill. We kept saying how LUCKY we are all weekend. They napped great, were good in the car on the long road trips and slept like logs! They made the weekend away seem like a breeze! We'll definitely have to do another weekend getaway before Sept when we prepare for baby #3!!! Here's a pic I took on my phone of my two beach babes! Turns out, Harper is quite the water baby! Hudson was more observant, watchful and cautious. Harper, was part fish!

Next Up: Permit
Our yellow-ish, gold-ish piece of paper is properly displayed in our front window and the addition is underway. This weekend, our deck was dis-assembled and tomorrow the excavators come to begin digging. I'll make sure to document more after tomorrow. For now......the yard just looks like this:
Concrete is poured late in the week and then we'll begin framing. We had a meeting on Thursday am with our architect to map out the giant space in the basement. We were able to configure the existing space and blend in the addition through all sorts of fun and easy changes (half walls, sliding doors, french doors, nooks, etc, etc)
I've GOT to figure out how to put up the's going to be quite a fun transformation for this house. The current square footage on our house now is 2004 square feet. We're adding approximately 2000 square feet between the main level and basement. So, doubling our house is basically like building THIS house. Ugh.....let's pray we stay on track because that is a BIG job!!!
Finally: Think Pink
Pink Eye has infested our house! Not sure how or when....but poor Harper has it in BOTH eyes! We went to the Dr this afternoon, got drops and I'm sure she will kick it in less than 24 hours. Didn't slow her down a second....she has been happy, full of energy and a ball of fun. But, terribly watery and gross goopy eye's were the indication that something was up. Let's pray it stops with Harper and doesn't spread to the whole fam!
That's it! From baby to Brainerd to Addition to Pink Eye.......lots to report from the last few days. And keep checkin' in because there will be LOTS to post about as our house and yard become home to bobcats, backhoe's, wheel loaders, dozer's, dump trucks and cement trucks!
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