Proud cousin Izaak, holding Harper. He loves his cousins SO much and they love him!
Annie and I with our babies....they are just over 2 weeks apart!
Michelle with 2H :-)Tummy time- 4 days old! Strong little babies, both moved their heads side to side!
Playdate with their buddy, Carmichael- 5 days oldAfternoon with the Hills who were visiting from NYC!
Family Photo...and mommy's not wearing pajamas! Great success! :-)
The Elliott's.....all of us! Love this pic!
Action shot...Hudson exploring with his hands and Harper not liking all the pics!
Lots and lots of fun, visitors and love in the Elliott house! Life sure is amazing! Hudson and Harper are having longer periods of "awakeness" which is wonderful because we get to see their beautiful eyes! They both are VERY strong and try so hard to hold their heads up on their own. They are eating 2-4 ounces each feeding, every 3 hours so watch out......they are growing FAST! They had their first pediatrician appointment at 9 days old and both looked healthy as can be. At that time, Harper was 5lbs12oz and Hudson was 7lbs10oz. Hudson had almost gained his birthweight back and Harper is packing on the pounds, trying to catch up to her brother.
We've taken several walks....they LOVE the outdoors. We've taken a few trips to Target and Sams Club- they always cause quite a scene while out and about which makes our shopping excursions quite lengthy...though we don't mind one bit showing them off.
I hear babies waking up, time to sign off! Thank you for your love, prayers, emails, calls, texts, presents and visits! Harper and Hudson have the BEST circle of family/friends! They say they love you SOOOOOOO much!
Many Blessings,
Blake, Noelle, Hudson and Harper
LOVE the pictures...those babies are so blessed!!