Hudson David
You are a great eater-you nurse in the mornings and have breastmilk bottles during the days and formula at night.
You're wearing size 1-2 diapers and have outgrown all of your newborn clothes and are wearing 0-3, 3 month and even a few 6 month old size clothing.
You are so content...anywhere. We can put you in the bouncy seat, boppy, swing, crib or on your tummy- you are pretty comfortable anywhere.
You are so alert during the day- always looking around with the most curious eyes.
You are so aware of your always looks like you are playing the harp or air guitar...hands and arms are constantly moving.
You have the cutest, raspy cry. I love it.
You are so strong- the last week your neck has gotten so strong that when we have you chest-to-chest to burp you or during tummy time, you can lift up your head on your own.
You hold the pacifier in your mouth with both hands when you have a paci.
You seem to enjoy fact you were so relaxed one bath that you slept (and peed) through it!
You have recently starting wrapping your arms around our neck when we pick you a little hug. It's heavenly.
You are often referred to as punkin, Huds, Hudsy and Hud the Stud
You are really starting to look like daddy and Grandpa Dave- your eyes are turning darker each day and there are some expressions that sort of shock mommy because you look so much like daddy
You are a total lovebug and we love you more and more every day. It is an absolute joy waking up to you everyday!
Harper Rae
You are a girl who knows what she wants.....when it's time to eat you go after the bottle quite ferociously! That is usually for the first ounce....then it's a bit of a game to get you to take the next 2-3 ounces.
You are not nursing, but having breastmilk in bottles during the day and formula at night.
You are wearing newborn diapers and can still fit into your newborn clothes...mommy's so happy because she doesn't want you growing too fast.
You love laying in your boppy, love the bouncy chair but when you have had enough stimulation- you like to be swaddled up real tight and put in your crib- away from the activity.
You are most alert early in the morning and early evening- looking around with such curious eyes and finding light or following daddy and my voice.
You really seem to enjoy baths.
You are quick tempered- we say you go from 0-100 so quickly that it gets a bit dramatic at times.
You are so also have a very strong neck and legs. You're lifting your head up on your own when doing tummy time or when burped and everyone is really amazed at how strong your tiny little legs are!
You have the most beautiful blue eyes and such long lashes- your eye's are quite captivating.
You still have such an adorable dimple on your right cheek.
People have said they think you look like mommy, aunt Kimmy and Grandma Marit.
You are often referred to as peanut, Harps, and sweet cheeks.
You are such a sweet and loving little are a complete joy and we feel so lucky to be your parents.
Delicious. Absolutely delicious, those precious little babies of yours!!
ReplyDeleteYayyyy thank you so much for posting! They are too cute for words!