Friday, September 16, 2011

Day shy of 40 weeks.....

Our due date is tomorrow! CRAZY!

Baby is 40 weeks "cooked" and can come out and play ANYTIME! You hear that baby? ANYTIME!!!

Dr appt today confirmed what I feared, it's nice and cozy in there and not looking like it's ready to come out and meet us yet. Sad!

We've scheduled a c-section for Sept 27th and are praying to go into labor before. We can't be it's wait on the baby or deliver via c-section. I would like to baby to come when it's ready, so we're praying we don't make it to Sept 27th.

Your prayers are appreciated!

In house news....unfortunately our contractor had an out of town wedding so it's been very quiet here yesterday and today. But.....the house has been wrapped, roof is ready for shingles and it was another solid week of work! Looking great, huh? It looks like a HOUSE now!

1 comment:

  1. So much excitement around your home! I can't wait for some action!
