It's baby month!!! In fact, it's T-minus 10 days until our due date and life is busier than ever.
A few things:
The house is plugging along. HVAC was here and installed a new furnace which will efficiently heat our entire house since we basically doubled the square footage of our existing home. It's not complete yet, meaning we can't turn on the heat so I pray the cold air stays far, far away! Supposed to be beautiful this week....but it feels like fall in the evenings. Burrrr!!!
Pic below is the hallway leading to the office and master bath

This pic is the new "family room" way back which will have large french doors that lead into a screened in porch.

Twins....busier than ever. Both are stringing together words (ie: sounds) that appear to be gibberish to us, but probably mean something profound to them. They understand SO MUCH of what we's amazing. Asking them to do something, where something is, etc and they just get it. The other day Harper took my phone into our bedroom and dropped it when she got sidetracked by Blake's HUGE basketball shoes. She came out of the room carrying his shoe not my phone. When I asked her where my phone was and if she could go and grab it....she dropped the shoe and walked back into the bedroom to retrieve the phone. Sounds mundane....but it's so incredible to see that they understand!
Another cute story.....we met another twin-set at the Splash Pad last week for a playdate. These twins were only 2-3 months older and so we thought they'd have a blast together. was more independant play for all 4 kids until snack time which then I felt like I had 4 hungry birds standing around me as I fished out goldfish for them.
Anyway, back to playing. So it's kind of expected for little little kids that you go to the Splash Pad with a few buckets, cups, etc so they can play in the water. Though when you get there, the buckets you bring end up being used by some other kid while your kids play with theirs. Well Hudson saw a little guy and walked up to him, took his bucket and handed him his. A fair trade. His mom rushed over to me and asked "Is he your son?"....I said he was and that I could go get his bucket back if her son wanted his. She said "No No....did you see what they did? Your little guy traded with my son, Eli. He offered his bucket, and they traded".
I am left feeling a little confused, wanting to say "And............your point is........" but then it hit me that these are things that I take for granted because I have twins. My kids share. They understand they can't just snatch a toy out of eachother's hands. They comfort each other and give up the toy in their hands if one is having a meltdown and they want to cheer them up. These things happen daily....and because I have just had 2....I didnt' see why this was a big deal to this woman.
Anyway, just a fun observation.
Also on the twin front- we're in a transition period. Going from 1 nap to 2....eliminating that bedtime bottle and booking their first dentist appointment!
They had their 15 month appt....Hudson was 22lbs14oz but in 75/90th percentile for height! STRING BEAN! Harper was 21lbs6oz and in 25/50th for height and weight.
My sweet little nephew, Izaak had his first day of preschool today. Hard to imagine what it was like for my sister to send him off, with that big, huge backpack and smile. Life seriously moves at warp-speed when raising children. It feels like days turn to weeks, to months to years in a blink of an eye. I remember the ache I would feel in my heart and knot in my throat everytime I'd pack up a set of clothes (newborn size, 0-3 month) knowing that my babies would NEVER be that tiny again. The good thing is that they are growing and becoming more incredible by the day. Just makes us mama's a little emotional, nonetheless.
Well, that's it for now. Dr appt this afternoon so I'll update if there is anything worth updating. I'm 38.5 weeks and baby is getting chubbier, I believe, because it feels like the only strong movement I feel lately is his/her feet kicking in my right side since that is how it's positioned. I've gotten tons of guesses on baby's gender, birthday and weight. Overall....out of 14 friends and family.....10 think it's a girl, 4 think it's a boy and the most popular date for the birthday is September 19th (2 days past due date).