Here we are's FINALLY foundation day! This is big!
This is basically our LAST day with our friends at the concrete company who have been here at the wee hours of 6:45 mostly every day for a month. We are extremely fortunate to have understanding and patient neighbors!!!
Yes, we have a huge addition which required lots of time, manpower, dirt, digging, concrete blocks, backfilling, rock, large footings, etc.......but we won't be sad to see these guys go.
With our original timeline sort of out the window......we'll be bidding these concrete dudes farewell with a big smile on our faces.
As soon as this concrete foundation is finished it'll sit for a few days before we can haul in steel beams, have lumber delivered and begin framing out the 2nd floor.
As I rapidly approach 35 weeks....this puts me into a state of panic as there seems to be SOO much more to do. However, as my General Contractor/Husband/Baby daddy says....the framing is much more visibly gratifying. You can see the progress. With everything that is required to build a house on a rock solid's a lot like sitting and watching paint dry (or concrete harden).
Soo....what's a going on today here! Pregnancy and H & H update to come!
So exciting! Love the updates; keep them coming!