We are starting to see the walls of our new home addition! Yay!
Blake said he knows I'm going to get giddy over this part of the project because it's visual! It takes my brain which lacks visualization and gives it something tangible to SEE! I love it!
A few pics from the last few days. The floor joists were laid- this took 2 full days since there was so much detail that had to be done to install these.
Then, as you can see, plywood was nailed down and the walls started coming up. Unfortunately, our carpenter is alone working today without his usual sidekick so I think it'll go a bit slower but as long as we're moving forward...I don't care!
The walls will continue to get installed....so more pics to come. The big open spaces in the pic show the big glass doors we'll have that open out to a small deck. I had a moment yesterday where I got pulled away from work to act as General Contractor and make a few decisions on windows. OH THE PRESSURE! Spaced x or x amount apart, extra stud here or there....Just gave me a glimpse at how much stress Blake has on top of his extremely busy and consuming job.
We are plowing ahead!
In other news.....everyone is doing great. Twins are busy learning body parts, new words, new moves (Harper LOVES to walk backwards these days and Hudson loves to jump, or try to jump). I'm just about 37 weeks pregnant (on Saturday) and have a Dr appt on Monday to see how things are progressing.
I'll do a seperate post in the next few days about details for when the baby decides to come. Just where we'll be, etc.
And I'll leave you with a pic of our two junior General Contractors, on a recent trip to Home Depot. These two love going out into the "new house" and checking the day's work with dad when he gets home from work each night. They're keeping all the workers on their toes as they watch the work through the glass sliding doors all day!