I'll save the sappy, tear-filled address for their baby books.....today I just want to share the happy birthdays for my two amazingly sweet, smart and beautiful twins.
Hudson, you've been a sweet and loving little dude since you were in my tummy. Looking back to how you positioned yourself when in-utero....it was almost like you slide to the side to let your little sister take front and center. You were wrapped around my right side with your head up by my right rib cage and feet down near my left leg. Like a C shape (you were breech).
Right down the center was your sister.
You love life! You're easy going, fascinated with new things, learning so fast, taking the world 2 little legs at a time.....you're just simply amazing to watch. You are so smart too. You'll try things different ways until you've figured them out, then you'll look up at us to see if we saw you and then clap! Lately, you love to wave and say "eh" which is "hi" I think. You're walking everywhere and you're SO smart. You love sorting, putting things away and looking at books all by yourself. If we read to you, you have to hold the book and turn the pages.
You're an early riser, waking earlier and earlier by the day. EEEK! This morning, I went in and got you and took you back to bed to cuddle since it was 5:45am and that's just too early for us. We don't usually do this, but it was your birthday. Course you wanted daddy......you climbed up on his chest with your favorite blankie and fell back asleep. You love your dad. NO ONE can take his place. Every single stage has brought a new and exciting milestone....it's been an absolute joy to watch you grow.
And back to my comment about how you were while I carried you....as your sister steps on you, pulls on your shirt to get around you if you're blocking her path or even steals toys from you....you don't flinch. You smile, love her and just keep on going about your happy business.
Harper came into this world and the nurses and Dr's called her "Spicy". Every baby cries when they are born, it's those beautiful 1st cries that every mother listens for when their baby has taken its first few breaths. But, my dear Harper.......hers must have been extra loud to get the nickname just minutes after she was born.
And whisked away to the special care nursery she went to have oxygen levels monitored because she was just a little bit smaller than they thought she'd be. Uncle Jeff said "That' girl sure knows how to make an enterance".
You are a girl who shows emotion with every ounce of her being. Happy, sad, mad, frustrated, tired, or scared......we don't have to wonder what's going through your mind because you communicate so well with your mood, laughter or cries.
In all we did, it felt like there was a different way you'd like it done and so we had to learn that in order to keep you thriving and happy. For a while, each bottle was fed to you while you were swaddled and while we alternated the green paci and bottle. Ha!
I want it to be known that no matter WHAT I had to do, I'd do it in order to keep you happy, well fed and feeling loved.
You're amazing to watch. You burst out into giggles at the strangest things which I so wish I could bottle up so that I can always, always hear the beautiful sound. You are so vocal, singing, humming, saying Mama, dada, Nana. You love to dance. You hear music and you start swinging, rocking or shaking your head. This morning, on your birthday, I got to go in and watch you sleep. All curled up on your side, just like mama sleeps, you looked like an angel. Seriously.
Life, for me, has completely changed. I remember people saying that when you become a parent, soon it will be harder and harder to remember what life was like before kids. For me, this hasn't happened yet. I remember coming home to a quiet, clean house, sleeping in on the weekends and having "free" time. But something- I mean someone(s)- were missing. Until Hudson and Harper came along, I felt like life was complete. But seeing my two beautifulc children the minute they were born, the first time they rolled over, the first time they spit back food as we tried a spoon......the first time they clapped and scooted, crawled and walked...THAT is what made life complete. I wouldn't change a thing about my life today, not even the teenyest thing like sleeping in on the weekends. Each day gets better, each day brings new discoveries and challenges and each day I fall just a little deeper in love with these two beautiful faces.
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