This mama has been VERY emotional lately. I'm not sure if it's the change of seasons, the upcoming birthday for my babyloves, the 16 week pregnancy hormones......but I'm a ball of tears! Happy tears most of the time, that is. It just feels so crazy to have wrapped up the 9th month of Hudson and Harper's life.....the last month in their ENTIRE lives that they'll be in the single digits. 9 months though, my friends......was a BLAST! While life raising twins gets SO much easier as they grow a little has also taken on a few new challenges. Let me elaborate:
Hudson my boy You're busy as can be. Always moving, always crawling, always trying to stand and pull up on everything. Lately, you've been pulling up to a standing position on ME! While I"m standing making dinner, holding your sister....anything......I've got the cutest little boy hanging on tightly to my pant leg looking up at me with the biggest, most beautiful brown eyes.
Teeth: You've got 4 teeth total. 2 bottom centers and get this......2 on the top left. The top middle and the tooth to the left of it. VERY crazy that Harper has the exact two teeth on the top but on the right. Together, you have your 2 front teeth! ;-)
Sleeping: Battling a mean little cold, your sleep was interrupted briefly but we're back on track finally. 2 weeks of a runny, runny nose and just feeling "Blah" had you waking up in the middle of the night b/c I think you just had a tough time breathing through that SUPER stuffed nose. Still taking 2 naps a day.
Eating: Still taking 4 bottles and eating 3 meals and a snack. You love everything, but bananas especially. And you LOVE water. I give you a sippy cup at every meal and you get so excited and chug a lug the water.
Tricks: You're almost walking. Can walk holding on to just one of our hands, behind your push toy and you are a total rockstar in your walker. You back up, go forward, get yourself out of corners, through smart! You also can throw a ball! When we roll a ball to you, you pick it up and sort of "toss" it back to us.
Talking: You're saying "dada" and "mmmmmmm" a lot.
Harper Rae You've changed so much in this 9th month. You want to stand all the time, but didn't "move" around as much when standing until your mama found a solution. FOOD! I started putting cheerio's around the wicker table and made you "walk" yourself around the table to get to them. Genious! You're a "walking/sliding" fool now! Haha
Teeth: You've got 5 total teeth. Bottom center 2, top 2 "side" teeth and the top front tooth on the right. As mentioned, Hudson has his top center left. Soo funny! You're a total champ when it comes to teething. We've literally woken up and found teeth in your mouth. No oragel, no tylenol.....just slept through the teeth cutting and woke up with a new pearly white. Tough girl!!!!
Sleeping: You're an amazing sleeper. A minimum of 12ish hours every night, 2 naps during the day. You wiggle around like crazy in your crib and it's always funny to go in and get you because you're never facing the direction I laid you.
Eating: Everything! You get SO excited for food. You bob your head, sing, kick your legs and are just genuinely so happy at meal time. You'll eat anything! You recently went out for a girls lunch with aunt Kimmy and cousin ileigh to Olive Garden and you ate some of my breadstick, tomatoes, olives, croutons and gnocci from my soup. Ha!
Tricks: You're "scaling" the furniture all over the place from couch to table, to DOG to window. You love transferring to the dogs. They sit like statue's and let you stand up holding on to funny! You're walking great behind your push toy. You are incredibly coordinated with your little fingers. You can pick up the teenyest, tinyest speck of something. That's probably why you enjoy eating so much, because you get to use that hand/eye coordination. You also love to dance. Music comes on and you're bobbing your head or upper body with the beat.
Talking: You're very vocal. Singing, saying "mama" and "dada" We started co-ed bath's this month. Just put you both on your tush, with a tub full of toys and bubbles and you both go crazy! You LOVE it! You interact the most and the best in the bathtub. You've started to really light up when you see each other after a nap or when one's been in the other room. It melts our hearts!!!
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