Our first BIG change to announce......our blog is going to have to get a new name because our family of Elliott squared is getting a "plus 1". We're having a baby...er, another baby I rather as the twins are still very much our babies.
We're due Sept 17th, I'm 12.5weeks along and feeling GREAT! This is going to be a whirlwind......baby #3 is going to come when the twins are about 16months! Ahhhh!!!
This was a BIG, HUGE surprise to Blake and I but a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL and exciting surprise nonetheless! We feel SO blessed!
Here are a few pics of when we found out the BIG news.......and a recent belly pic, taken last week at 11 weeks.

So, our second BIG change will be our address! We are BEYOND excited to announce that we've sold our house! We close in a short 25 days so it is going to be pure chaos in the next few weeks.....but we will make it happen! We haven't bought a house yet, BUT we've got an offer one 1 so we're hoping we can find our next home soon. In the meantime, we'll move into one of our properties in St Paul until we find a new home. This house has been good to us. We started our family here, we grew from a family of 2 (plus pups) to a family of 4, expecting #5. But it's time for a change. So prayers that the next few weeks go smooth and the closing happens as planned!
Congrats to you and Blake - what amazing news!! So very happy for you!!!
ReplyDeleteYay!!! Just as I suspected from your last mysterious post :) 16 months apart will be crazy but you will do great! And it will probably seem like cake taking care of one baby after having to do everything x2 the first time around! CONGRATS!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! We are so happy for you, but we are sad to see you leave! You have been amazing neighbors and we are sorry we won't get to see the twins and baby #3 on a daily basis. Andrew will feel a huge loss when it's warm outside and Blake can't come out to play! Please keep in touch! Now,we will have to make an effort to see other!
ReplyDeleteNoelle & Blake & H & H, this is such amazing and wonderful news! We are so, so excited for your sweet family and cannot wait to meet Baby Elliott in September! Congrats on your house as well - we will continue to keep you all in our prayers for a smooth sale, house-hunt, and all that follows. If it's every feeling particularly whirlwindy, remember all the people that love and care for you guys.
ReplyDeleteCall us some time for a sitter (for H&H or Baby Elliott or all 3) or let us know if there's ever anything we can do to help during your moves.