Well.....the babies are already 5.5 months old (almost) and here I am recapping their 4 month. Whatevs....life is gloriously busy and so it's better late then never ;-)
Month number 4.......definitely the MOST fun one yet. It's like these little people replaced our little babies. They have personality, they are so much more engaged in their surroundings, they've gotten so strong.....there are so many milestones!
Much of the milestones, I noted below. Both love to stand, grab at things, pull just about anything into their mouths (toys, clothes, burp clothes, pacifiers....anything). They seem to "favor" certain toys and the blue "hand", teething ring and Sophie the giraff are a few favorites.
Mr. Hudson

At your 4 month appointment which was on September 27th, you were 16.3lbs and 26.25 inches tall. 75th-90th percentile for height and weight.
You are wearing size 3 diapers.
You take about 7-8oz at each feeding which is now pretty much all formula.
You are a very messy eater, but do love being fed. We have you on rice cereal and oatmeal- which end up in the ears, neck, tummy rolls.....but it's so much fun to watch you eat.
You love to stand and barely need much support at all.......so strong!
You love to be tickled on your sides and under your chin....you just SCREAM with laughter!
You talk, talk, talk nonstop.
You love the Jumperoo......you could spend all day in that thing if we let you .
You roll over from back to tummy, but haven't rolled from tummy to back yet.
You love bathtime...and love getting ready for bathtime because daddy gets you all hyped up and laughing uncontrollably.
You love your feet....you lay with your legs up in the air during naps, playtime, when you're on the changing table. You especially love to pull your little socks off.
Little socks? Scratch that....BIG socks. You have big feet and hands. You're gonna be a BIG boy!
You love your sister. You look at her, reach out to her and smile really big when she responds.
You LOVE the pups! You crane your neck, body, arms in the direction of them and pet them and tug on their ears whenever they are close enough. They LOVE the attention...I see a great little bond forming!
Hudson, you are amazing. You are the happiest, funnest, most jolly little soul and it's the greatest gift to be your mom and dad. You wake up with the sweetest smile and squeel of delight.....you're all around an extremely happy baby!
Miss Harper Rae
You were size 2 diapers, though I sometimes put you in size 3 which are more like a "diaper suit" but hey- it's kind of nice to not have to buy 2 different sizes.
You usually eat about 6oz per feeding....and it's pretty much all formula.
You started out an extremely messy eater.....but have gotten quite skilled and "neat". You love eating by spoon.....but the timing for this feeding session has to be timed right. If you're overly tired....forget it. No food will distract you from your tiredness.
You started standing just before you turned 5 months. Your feet are exceptionally tiny (as are your hands) so it's funny to see this tiny little body and feet standing so perfectly straight in our laps.
You love to be tickled in your neck and on your tummy.
You love to talk and squeeeeel! You actually SCREAM but it is followed by more jabber and then giggles.....not tears so it's a happy scream not a freaking out scream. It's extremely dramatic.....it scares me actually for what lies ahead.
You roll from back to tummy, but haven't yet rolled from tummy to back.
Bathtime is the highlight of your day. You are seriously the happiest, jolliest little child in the tub. You constantly grab the washclothe and try to suck the water from it...?
Come to mention it, you just love to be naked. You love diaper changes, getting dressed/undressed and the tub. Uh oh.
You love grabbing at faces....especially the puppies and your brothers. You stick your little hands in Hudson's mouth (while he smiles away) and I've caught you grabbing and pulling at Koko's ears and face (while she snores away).
Harper, this month has been especially huge for you. While you started the month just sort of getting out of the fussy stage, as soon as you started "talking" it's like you changed into the happiest, most jolly (we use that word a lot when describing you) baby. You just seem to have really been developing before our eye's it's been the most amazing thing to experience. I LOVE hearing you talk to yourself in the morning....then you talk, talk, talk after your bottle as if you're telling me about your dreams. You are beautiful, inside and out and it is the most precious gift to wake up to you everday.
Blake and I are more than fortunate to have such wonderful, beautiful and healthy children. I bet he says about 5 times a day how blessed we are. Seriously! We feel like life keeps getting richer and I'm just in awe of words often because I feel so lucky that this is our life.
Noelle, this is so sweet....your love for those babies is oozing out of this post! And how cool to have a record to look back on of all their milestones. Thanks for sharing!