Both babies are doing amazingly well......everyday is a remarkable joy with them!
They are still sleeping like champs- we feel SO blessed! Harper is the sleep champion- pulling in 8-12 hours of consecutive sleep each night. Last night she slept from 8pm-8am which was bizarre.....I kept running in and checking on her all night to make sure she was ok. This girl just REALLY likes to sleep! No complaints here! Can't forget about the big boy, he sleeps great too! Half of the time he will sleep for 5 hours and wake up to eat and goes back down for another 3-5 hour stretch and the other half of the time he'll sleep for 7-9 hours straight. It definitely depends on how he's eaten during the day, how much he's been awake, etc.
We've had a busy 2nd month which has consisted of:
Visiting the Zoo
Visiting Minnihaha Falls
Visiting the Mpls Farmers Market
Katie's law school graduation party where they met lots of Blake's family they hadn't met yet
The Duluth Baby Shower where they met a lot of my family they hadn't met yet
Their first wedding (Congrats Dan & Wendy)
Lots of playdates and walks with friends (Carmichael, Gloria, Charlie, Braeden, Lucy, Greta, Avery)
Lots of "cuz time" with cousins Izaak, Landon and William
Lots and lots of snuggle time with Grandma's, Aunties and "honorary" aunties
2 month check up at the peds (stats below)
You love to hang out in your bouncy chair and look around at the world around you. You will sit content for so long, letting out a little laugh every couple minutes. No idea what is so funny....but we love that you sit and smile/laugh the day away.
You hold your neck up so well on your own.
You love to blow bubbles with your mouth.
You are extremely good at tracking voices and people as they approach or walk by you.
You are SO BIG! You are wearing size 2 diapers (which seem a bit small) and have really big hands and feet (and thighs).
You love to're very vocal and passionate about that bottle which is too funny!
You're still eating breastmilk during the days and formula (with added rice starch) at night.
You have the longest, black eyelashes and your eye's get darker brown by the day.
You've started to get dimples in each cheek when you smile- just like daddy!
You love bathtime, you get into the tubby and it relaxes you.
You don't really like to be on your tummy.
You are still a very content baby, crying only when hungry, wet or tired.
You have started staying away for most of the day, taking only a few naps. When you're awake, in the car, in the store if we're shopping, or walking.....wherever we are, you're pretty laid back just looking around and taking everything in.
At your 2 month check- were SO strong during your shots. You cried when you got them, and then stopped immediately after. Made mommy feel so much better because I was having a tough time watching you get them.
Stats from your 2 month check-up:
July 29th, 2010 (Mommy and Daddy's 4th wedding anniversary)
Weight: 13lbs 3oz (75-90th percentile)
Height: 23.5 inches (50-75th percentile)
Head: 15.5 inches (50-75th percentile)
We love you SO much baby boy, thank you for being the amazing, strong, beautiful and joyful little man that you are. We can't wait to see what new, fun things next month brings!
You are the happiest, sweetest baby first thing in the morning. You wake up with a great, big smile (and huge dimple) and are so fun to play, cuddle with in the morning.
You sleep so much, we've found that the more sleep that you get, the happier you are.
You absolutely LOVE your swing. You love to lay in it, look around and just hang out.
You are SO strong- you have very strong legs and a very strong neck. You have started lifting your head up when laying flat or at a slight incline.
Your cheeks are outta control precious!
You love to nap in the car with your head flopped forward, we try to put your nogen back in the headrest where it belongs but you lift it up and flop it forward again.
You are wearing size 1-2 diapers.
Eating is still a challenge for you- you love to eat but we've discovered that we think you have a sensitive gastrocolic reflex in your tummy which causes pain for you after you've eaten an ounce or 2. It makes feeding the next few ounces quite a challenge.....but we get through.
You are eating breastmilk bottles during the day and formula (with added rice starch) during the night.
You absolutely LOVE to be outside. If you're fussing, you calm down right away when outside.
You absolutely LOVE tubby time. You splash, kick and laugh away in the bath. It is priceless!
You love to lie on your back and explore around with your eye's while kicking and wiggling around.
You have tiny, tiny, tiny little feet.
When you smile, your eye's light up and you flash that big dimple on your right cheek.
At your 2 month check up, you were quite traumatized. You cried BIG crocodile tears when getting your shots.....and for quite a while afterwards. It broke my heart. All the activity with the shots and crying wore you out and you spent most of the afternoon cuddling with Grandma Marit.....which she didn't mind much :-)
Stats from your 2 month check-up:
July 29th, 2010
Weight: 10.5lbs (25-50th percentile)
Height: 22.25inches (50th percentile)
Head: 14.75inches (25-50th percentile)
Harper, you are our little princess. You melt our hearts with your smile and your keep us on our toes with all of your little needs. You teach us patience and unconditional love every day because you require just a little bit of extra attention with feedings, etc. We feel so blessed to have a beautiful, strong daughter and thank God daily for you.
One last thing......we have a prayer request. Harper was discharged (when she was born) from the hospital without her newborn hearing test. Apparently the machine was down when they tried doing her test.
We brought her in on July 13th for the "newborn screening test" which all babies are given and she passed in her right ear but not in her left. The audiologist thought it was sort of a fluke since she was a c-section baby and sometimes there tends to be more junk (wax, vernex, etc) in ears since c-section babies don't pass through the birth canal. We set up a repeat test for August 9th. Well, this past Monday we went in for the repeat test for her left ear and she didn't pass again. They picked up that she responded to some high frequency sound.....but they couldn't "pass" her. They also discovered she has a very high negative pressure level in her left ear (right ear was normal at -36 and left ear was -227!!!) so they thought she had an ear infection that was brewing which would be the reason she didn't pass in that left ear. Well, she was checked at the ped's office on Tuesday for an ear infection and doesn't have one. So.....we will need to take her in in a few weeks for another hearing test in the left ear.
Please pray that everything turns out ok. We're confident that no matter what, she will be just fine but the unknown is somewhat scary.
We appreciate it! Lots and lots of love from us to you!
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