So along with our big house project, we did a little musical rooms. Ruby moved into the twins old room, the twins moved into our old room and Blake and I got our new room in the addition. We changed a little bit in Ruby's room....but not much.
The twins room.......Ugh what a sad sight it was. I just didn't know what to do. I think eventually it will be the girls room.....but I'm in no rush to switch the kids around again and if anything, I'll move Ruby into the room with them. So priority was to keep it gender neutral. I LOVED sharing a room with my sister growing up and in 5th grade, when we moved and we got our own rooms.....she snuck into my room our first night "alone".
Anyway, I love thinking of the kids laying in their cribs (because I plan to keep them in cribs FOREVER) and talking and laughing together. Hudson sleeps through Harper's singing....every single day. This girl doesn't need sleep (or so she thinks) so she goes down for naptime and talks to her babies, sings, talks to the air....just jabbers on for 2 hours while he snoozes.
I think Ruby will be a sleeper like her brother, and I think it's great that they can sleep through the chaos around them.
Anyway, we decided the room needed a temporary fix. So we got busy. We painted a chalkboard wall, Ivonne and her friend Erika stenciled on the letters.....and the rest were just minor touches. It's not much.....but it's definitely more "kid" friendly now!