Dear sweet Ruby, WHY are you growing so fast??? Seriously, time is flying by faster than I can say. Baby girl is already 1/2 a year old. Unreal.
A quick recap of jolly Ruby girl
6 Month Check Up
19lbs 11oz (98% percentile)
27in (99% percentile)
Head was off the charts, but can't remember the circumference.
Sits on her own
Rolls and rolls and rolls
Can grab at small objects and trade from hand to hand.
Loves to find her paci and flip it around into the right position then pop it into her mouth.
Bath time. Kicks when she sees the tub because she is so excited! Once in the water, she kicks and splashes around like crazy.
Not being swaddled. We stopped swaddling around 5 months and now she's a free girl. Going in to get her in the morning is a joy, she's kicking her chubby legs like crazy but it's also so funny to see which direction she's squiggled herself into.
Food. She loves most fruit (baby food), bananas (in that mesh snack thing), and her big 9 oz bottles.
Life. She's just so happy. She loves being sung to, tickled, snuggled, kissed. She rarely ever cries. I am just so in love with this child!!!
Strangers. No, not really. But she does have bouts of stranger danger already. We're trying to get her out more so she sees more faces.
Here are few pics of the sweetie. I can't believe a half of a year has already passed!!!