Woweeee......big kids!
1 month left until you're big 1 year olds!
I recapped most of what was going on at 11mos when you turned 1.....but for mommy's record-keeping; here's a breakdown!
2 nappers each still a day at 9am and 2pm. Sleeping 7pm-7am.....ahhhh you two are amazing sleepers.
6 oz of formula by bottle, 4 times a day and 3 meals plus a snack. At a week before your 1st birthday, we started mixing in milk to your bottles to get you ready for the BIG transition.
You're walking! On Mother's Day, you started to really make some major progress. You've been doing your first steps for sometime now but you really started to get brave on Mother's Day (aww).
You say Mama, Dada, Nana (?) and can clap, wave Hi, pretend talk on the phone with your hand up to your ear, you know who mama, dada and the puppies are. YOu can sign "more" and "all done". You LOVE to lean over and give kisses to your sister!
You love those blankies still......instant cuddle session as soon as you see them!!
You're super happy, have 6 teeth, love the wagon, love those dogs, and love your daddy!!!
You're doing mini-cartwheels and are scaling the wall. You've taken 3-5 steps on your own and will be walking very soon!
You say Mama, Dada, Num a Num, and a whole slew of other words in your own language! You're a chatty cathy.....always talking or singing!
You clap, sign "more" and "all done", pretend talk on the phone, wave Hi, blow kisses with your hand and love to give kisses to us, the pups and your brother!
You have 8 teeth.
You're still my little drama queen, happy, frustrated and happy in the puppies, pushing toys around, standing in the window, books and dancing to music!
Love you amazing people in my life. I'm so incredibly grateful.....words can not even begin to tell you how lucky I am to be your mommy!