I remember finding out I was pregnant the same weekend that Janice, Blake's bosses amazingly, strong and courageous wife lost her battle with cancer. It was odd.....to celebrate the beginnings of life and mourn a life that was remarkable, but too short.
Thanksgiving this year was memorable for several reasons. The twins first Thanksgiving, Izaak their big cousin turned 3, their mama turned 30 and they got to meet their Grandpa Charlie for the first time. Kim and I struggled with trying to squeeze everything in in the short time we had in Duluth. Drive up, Thanksgiving with my mom, lunch or coffee with our step-dad Tom, prepare for Izaak's birthday party, H & H's nap schedule, Izaak's pool party, etc, etc, etc. But we did find time and are so thankful we did, to go to my grandmothers so that the newest grandbabies, Hudson and Harper could see their great grandma Tootie and meet grandpa Charlie.
My parents seperated when I was around 2 years old and divorced when I was 8 or 9. I was a mommy's girl....thru and thru. We had a relationship with our dad and spent every other weekend with him for years.....but over the years we grew apart.
I think both my dad, Charlie and I wish that we could have been closer. Life is tough, however and for reasons I won't go into....we just didn't have an extremely close relationship. I think in the backs of our minds we (and I'm speaking for him) thought that sooner or later things would change and we'd be close. That he'd be a bigger part in my life, that he'd have a bigger role in Hudson, Harper, Izaak, Landon and new baby girls life. There was time to get that all sorted out.
But as life is completely unpredictable.....time ran out for my dad this weekend.
He went to sleep on Saturday night and passed away peacefully.
Lots of emotions come to surface as I deal with the loss of my dad. I'm angry, sad, shocked, scared, at peace, etc.
My amazing husband, family and friends have been there in a way I am so thankful for and dealing with those emotions is a daily ordeal.
However the purpose of this post is to remind myself and anyone reading that life is sacred and extremely precious. Christmas is just days away......families gather to exchange gifts, eat together, honor traditions, laugh and share memories and togetherness. For so many of my close friends, this year is extra special because it's their child's first Christmas....Hudson and Harper have no idea how excited Blake and I are to begin to share the magic of Christmas with them.
Hug those loved ones a little tighter, take time to chat with a relative that you normally don't.....because they are family. And as I am guilty of....I count on the tomorrows instead of celebrating and living the todays.
"You had better live your best and act your best and think your best today; for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows that follow"
~ Harriet Martieau
Japanese-Inspired Treats | Candy Sushi
1 year ago