I can't believe October is already over and I've got 1 measly blog...if you can even count it as a "post" since it was just a video and no update on our favorite H's.
I have a great excuse however.....my 4 month (almost 5 month) old babies who have been changing , developing and growing by the minute. Seriously....this month has been a biggie! I'll update in the next day or two with my usual in-depth account of what's taken place....but here are just a few things these two have been up to.
Standing: Hudson stands constantly. He can stand with almost no help, just a finger to grab onto and that boy is standing on his own. His legs are SO strong!
Grasping and Chewing: Both babies are not only experts at grabbing things with their hands, but everything goes into their mouths. They know how to move around objects so that they fit into their tiny mouths...kinda cute seeing them put their own paci in their mouths!
Sit Ups: Haha....not literally. But these guys are constantly giving their abs a work out while laying on their backs. No more laying and relaxing..they lift their heads way off the blanket or floor and do V-ups.
Talking: the jabber is non-stop in this house. They wake up from a long night sleep "talking", go down for naps "talking", wake up from naps "talking" and "talk, talk, talk" between. They are giggling, laughing, squeeling, jabbering fools. It's music to our ears!
Rolling: Hudson is a roller...Harper is not far behind. This little one needs just the tinyest little tip of her legs one direction and she rolls her body from back to tummy. Anyday now she'll be a roly poly fool!
Feeding: Both babies not only recognize and get really excited when they see their bottles.....but they reach out for them and can grab them. They try (which is so cute) to pull their bottle up to their mouth and feed themselves but aim is usually off and they end up with it up their nose! Haha....a little directional help and they are eating happily away....holding their own bottles! It's not like I can give them a bottle now and they will take the whole thing down by themselves...but we're getting close and that makes me kinda sad! They are getting to be independent!
There are more updates on 4 month heights, weights, places we've gone and whatnot. I'll update in the next day or two.
Here are a few pics of the babies modeling a few of their hats as they get ready to bundle up for winter.

Harper: Scary Lion....GRRRRR
Hudson: Happy/Content Lion