Saturday, May 29, 2010

Welcome to the world Hudson and Harper!

As you can imagine, life around our house is quite crazy these days! I've got 10 minutes before it's time to feed Hudson....but thought I should take advantage of the free minute to update with pics.
I'll post details of their birthday a little is on the way (ie: Grandma CooCoo (Ida)) so I'll get time in the next few days to post the wonderful, life changing details.
For are our two beautiful miracles! We are feeling blessed beyond words and SO in love with these two!

Many Blessings,

Blake, Noelle, Hudson and Harper

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BIRTH day!

It's HERE! Today I am 38 weeks pregnant and today our babies will be born.
There really are no words (even for this chatty Cathy) to describe all that I (we) are feeling as we prepare to go to the hospital to meet our babies. We have dreamed, prayed, and loved these two from the moment we saw them on the ultrasound when they were only 5 weeks and 6 days old!
And now we get to see them, kiss them, hold them and promise them a lifetime of love. It's completely surreal.
Blake and I have been on quite an emotional high so the tears have been flowing in our I'm gonna sign off before I start to get weepy again.
BUT, here is one last belly pic! I'll miss a lot of things about being pregnant...but I am pretty sure I am ready to lose this bump.....err mountain!

Next time we update.......we'll have baby pics, names, stats and lots of proud parents stories already I am sure!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week 37- ALMOST done!!!

Can't believe we have made it to week 37! I am officially full-term and considered "39" weeks pregnant to my Dr's since 38 weeks with twins is considered "40" weeks.
YIKES......I NEVER imagined I'd make it this far!
Dr appt yesterday went great for the kiddo's but was a little eventful for mama. The babies looked great....beautiful and strong and VERY impressive according to everyone at our clinic. Awww!
They look to be thriving in there which is why I think they are cooking so long. I hope they aren't too upset that we'll be ending their stay next week....Blake and I promise to give them everything they need- which includes tons of kisses- once they join us on the outside! Both baby boy and baby girl scored 10/10 on their tests! Way to go out with a bang!
As for me.....I'm still feeling good, despite being huge! My blood pressure was up from my normal range which was the first concern at my appt yesterday. Then, they weighed me and I've gained more than they like to see in a week which was another cause for concern. Now, I will admit that I've given in to some indulgances being pregnant but the room in my tummy is quite limited so I think the weight gain is mostly water weight since I've become so swollen. The nurse agrees......thank goodness! ;-)
Along with the weight gain, and higher than normal bp, they were also concerned with my swelling in my legs. My feet, ankles, calves, knees and thighs are all makes bending them difficult. Finally, they found protein in my urine which was also concerning.
So....with all of the above, they decided to send us down to Abbott to the maternal assessment to test for preeclampsia. Blake met me there since he was just getting out of a meeting and I swung by the house to pick up our bags JUST IN CASE.......
They drew several vials and sent my blood out for testing. 30 mins later- they said I looked fine and could go home.
We were a bit disappointed, we were sort of dreaming about the possibility that they'd say "let's take the babies out today". siree.
But, we can make it. Only 5 more days! 5 more days! 5 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is my end of week 36 belly pic. Thank you for your calls/emails and support. We are SO incredibly lucky to have such an amazing, amazing family and circle of friends. Our babies are so lucky to be born into this big circle! We cant wait for the twins to meet you all!
Many Blessings,
Blake, Noelle and Babies

Monday, May 17, 2010

Still here....

We had a busy weekend which I thought FOR SURE would put me into labor....nope, these two are snug as 2 little bugs and holding out until their scheduled birthday on 5/25 (I think, anyway).
Between cleaning, grocery shopping, rearranging the office, steam cleaning carpets, installing carseats, errands- I managed to go to a movie on Friday night, my niece Riley's dance competition on Saturday and Blake worked 12 hours yesterday. But.....still no babies!
I am working until Friday and then maternity leave officially begins....I can't believe it!
We have our LAST Dr appt tomorrow morning at 8am, I will update after the appointment tomorrow as well as add my 36 week belly pic. It's getting pretty unbelieviable! Anywhere I go, people ask if I am due any day or overdue. I think they'd die if I said my due date is actually June 8th!

I'll update more tomorrow.....if I haven't gone into labor by then. Hahaha- joking!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Well, Hello Week 36!

I honestly didn't think we'd make it this far. And here we are....week 36 people!!!!!!

I'm so excited to be in my 9th month of pregnancy and I'm stillllllllll GOING (and growing).
The babies had another fabulous Dr appt this am- they both looked like healthy and strong babies! They each scored a 10/10 on their tests, although baby girl gave us a run for our money. She does her practice breathing as needed, but she needs to do it for 30 seconds at a time in order for it to "count". Well....she does it for 15 seconds, 18 seconds, sometimes even 20-something seconds and then she stops. Little stinker!
The ultrasounds to measure all 4 areas of criteria (breathing, movement, fluid and growth) usually takes our baby boy about 5 minutes to gather all info. Because I think we have a stubborn little girl on our hands, it takes our baby girl about 40-45 minutes to get all of the info!
Ha ha ha!
Even the nurses think she's going to be a little spitfire. They said today it's a good thing baby boy is bigger and that he will most likely be born first so he'll be older.....because he will have that on her. Seems we all think she is going to be quite a little handful! I love it!
One last thing about the appointment.....they babies positioning has changed slightly. Last night I told Blake SOMETHING was happening in my tummy because I felt a TON of big movement. Well, sure enough SHE moved from head down to "transverse" or laying across my tummy. The babies are now positioned in a sideways T shape. He is head up, feet down on my right side and she is sideways with her head on my left and her feet pointed towards her brothers head.
Oh man......these two are already keeping us on our toes!
When looking at the poll to the right, this is the week most of you picked that the twins would be born. ??? Wonder if you will be right? Since I have been in to the Dr about a million times since finding out we were expecting twins...I have become quite close with the Dr's and nursing staff at our clinic. JUST IN CASE something happens this week/weekend.....I brought in a thank you gift to the staff today. I do have my last appointment next Tuesday which will be 37 weeks......but in the small chance I don't make it to 37 weeks.....I wanted to get the goodies delivered to the staff. They all joked around with me that I will FOR SURE make it to week 38 now.
I don't feel ANYTHING different besides huge! I feel like my ankles and legs hurt lately from carrying around the extra weight-and I just feel big and clumsy. Blake keeps joking with me about how difficult it is for me to bend over and pick things up yet I am constantly dropping things. Broken glasses, dropped cereal boxes (Kingston didn't mind cleaning up after me on that one) and pens- I feel like I have two hands that are all thumbs!
Well, here is my week 35 belly picture! C-section is 2 weeks from today! I can NOT wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many Blessings,
Blake, Noelle and Babies

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We made it to 35 weeks!

We had our 35 week appointment this week and everyone looked great! Big mama is gaining weight like a champ (gulp) and babies both passed their "tests" with flying colors again. Perfect 10 points out of 10! Yay!
They looked MUCH bigger this week on the ultrasound, I must say! That's good....maybe all these lbs I am packing on are going to THEM and not ME! jk
We got a few good shots of their faces and it brought tears to my eyes. They look so much more like babies as they get bigger....I can't believe we'll be staring into their eye's and picking out whose nose, lips, ears they have in just a few weeks!
All in all, we're doing great! Still trucking along and getting closer, day by day, to meeting these two.
T-minus 20 days and counting!!!
I stopped the anti-contraction medicine (Nifedipine) on Sunday and so far so good. My contractions are still frequent, but no change in the intensity so no cause for concern. I've really puffed up like a balloon lately from all the water retention- I'm down to only a few pairs of shoes that fit! Ha!
I like to take the belly pics at the end of each week, so I will end this email with my 34 week pic. Yowsa- I'm just gonna keep on growing!!!!

Here's to another week!

Many Blessings,

Blake, Noelle and Babies