Friday, April 30, 2010

The Name Game

Blake and I are still discussing names and trying to narrow down a list of top choices so once the twins are born, we can take a look at them and decide what name fits each of them best.
We're getting closer to a "shorter" list.....but we're still working on it.
In the meantime, however, we've had some pretty funny nicknames suggested by friends/family so I thought I'd share them:

Bob and Jillian
Pink and Blue
Ole and Lena
Donald and Daphne
A and B
Mickey and Minnie
Thing 1 and Thing 2
Luke and Leia (skywalker and princess leia)

We CAN assure you, none of the names on this list are top choices...but it's been fun calling the twins by their nicknames so far!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A few nursery pics

The twins nursery is coming along. Can't say it's finished yet, as there are a bunch of things we still need to get (rugs, curtains, shelves for above changing table, letters for their names which will go above their cribs) but it's coming along.
Here are a few quick snapshots of the room in progress....can't believe in a matter of weeks we'll have two precious little babies all snuggled in those cribs! Can't wait!!!

We still need to hang the mirror and shelves above the changing table/dresser

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dr Appt recap and big news...

The twins have their birthday's scheduled........May 25th at 1:30pm is our scheduled c-section!
Now we know that we have a very good chance of having them before this date....but it's fun to know that this COULD be their birthday!
The appt this morning went great! The babies passed their tests again with flying colors and both showed quite a bit of personality while on the big screen at the ultrasound. Baby boy was opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue..haha! Baby girl was kicking those dancer legs and waving! They were both SO entertaining!
They have grown a lot since their last growth scan, weights are approximately:
Baby Boy (A): 4lbs15oz
Baby Girl (B): 4lbs3oz
The realization that I'm carrying over 9lbs of baby and have up to 4 and a half weeks left of growing to do is quite unreal. I'm SO glad the babies are healthy and growing big, but I'm definitely nervous for how my body is going to handle their size as they continue to grow. I've felt so great this entire pregnancy that I truly have been blessed. If the last 4 weeks are miserable because the babies are growing, I'll take it. I will do just about anything to keep our babies in, safe, growing and healthy!
So, all in all, a GREAT morning! I want to sign off with a pic of the already sleep-deprived daddy-to-be! Our Dr appointments are busy when we're in the ultrasound room but then we move to a different room for monitoring and it's a lot of sitting around for him (laying around for me). We both got a chance to relax for a bit this morning while the babies were monitored.....although he was a little more relaxed than me! :-)
Many Blessings,
Blake, Noelle and Babies

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another week.....another inch

We've made it to 33 weeks and the babies are continuing to grow, grow, grow! Inch by inch, I'm growing out of my maternity clothes and not quite sure what to do about it. It seems silly to go buy clothes for the short few weeks we have left.......although it's even more rediculous what my "getting ready" routine has become. Try on every shirt I own until I find one that doesn't show my belly peeking out from the bottom.
Eyeyeye...and I am just going to keep getting bigger. How is this possible???
We had a great baby class last week- learned about different delivery methods. Blake's biggest lesson of the night: mom's are AWAKE during c-sections! He thought I'd be put out for our c-section and kind of freaked out while watching the video when he noticed the mom was awake and talking. Hahaha.....that gave us both a good laugh!
The pack-n-play AND double stroller got assembled this week...slowly by surely our house is being taken over by ALL things baby!
My hospital bag is packed, babies diaper bag is packed and so whenever these peanuts decide it's time......we're gonna be ready!!!
Our 33 week appt is on Thursday, so I'll update then. We'll have each of the babies estimated weights....can't wait to hear how BIG they are!
And for now, here's my 33 week belly pic- I'm measuring about 40+ weeks pregnant. Eyeye
Many Blessings,
Blake, Noelle and Babies

PS- I added a poll to the right hand side of the blog- when do YOU think we'll have the babies?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The numbers game...

Hi everyone!
We're into our 32nd week which is a BIG milestone for twins. Yay happy they have stayed snuggled in this long. Just a few more weeks longer and then we'll be BEGGING you both to make your appearances!
We had our first big "test" yesterday at our Dr's appointment where each baby scored a PERFECT 10! They showed good fluid in their amniotic sacs, both had frequent movement, both were "practice breathing" and both had good heart accelerations when they moved. We were SO proud!
Here's where the title of this post comes into play.....from here on out we're playing a "numbers game". Dr. W. came in after all of the testing and told us that everything looks great so far. He then went over some of the statistics on twin pregnancies to help us get ready for the next few weeks.
First of all, the medication I am on to minimize contractions (Nifedipine) will be discontinued at week 34 or 35. Statistics show that after week 34, the effectiveness of the medication decreases....basically if my body starts to go into labor, it will do so whether or not I'm on the medication.
After discontinuing the Nifedipine at week 34 or 35, about 1/3rd of women will go into labor within a few days.
Dr W. also said that about 60% of twins are born at week 37 or sooner.
We will, however, schedule a c-section the week of May 24th which happens to be my 38th week....however there is about a 10-15% chance I will make it that long.
A c-section will be scheduled because Baby A (boy) is breech. Baby A's positioning determines how delivery will go and because he has been breech for the last 5-6 weeks......there is a slim chance he will flip around.
So, friends......anytime in the next 6 weeks these long awaited miracles will be here! How absolutely CRAZY is that? We're busy getting ready for them- setting up their swings, bouncy chairs, pack-n-play, packing hospital bags and finishing up their nursery. It's unbeleviable that in just weeks we will be parents!!
I'm feeling these two move around like crazy lately. Soon, they will start running out of room and their movements will decrease but thankfully, they are still very active. They both get the hiccups at least once a girl usually gets them 2-3 times a day!
I feel really good.....but I am sleeping horribly. It is directly related to the 5-6 trips to the bathroom a night AND my newest pregnancy "gift" (if you will) which is carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists. My hands are very swollen....but it's now causing swelling in my wrists which is making my hands/fingers numb. Ugh, stinks!
Blake is still busy with work and preparing to open another AFC home on July 1st which will be very exciting. I'm working diligently to get everything organized for my boss who will be upkeeping my accounts while I'm on maternity leave. We're enjoying this beautiful weather......I've been working outside more and more lately because the sun feels so great and I know this summer with the twins.....I will most likely be too busy to enjoy the weather. Finally, we're SO excited for Auntie Kimmy, Uncle Jeff and cousins Izaak and Landon to move down (officially) at the end of April. They're living in Eagan and I am SO excited to live in the same viscinity as my sister......the first time in 11 years!
That's it for now. If anything progresses.....I'll be sure to update. Also, next Thursday we have our next bit "test" for the babies as well as a growth scan so I'll post the babies estimated weights. Blake thinks his son is going to be at least 6lbs......we'll see about that! Here's the latest belly pic....growing, growing, growing!

Many Blessings,
Blake, Noelle and Babies

Monday, April 5, 2010

Birth Class, Baby Shower and 'da Belly

Hope everyone had a great Easter! What a beautiful day it was....sunshiney warm, green grass- we certainly have been spoiled so far this spring!
Well last week we had our first birthing went great. It's funny being in a classroom with 6 couples and 13 fetus's. Ha! All of us were expecting twins except for one mommy-t0-be who is expecting triplet boys.
Over the weekend, I had a baby shower hosted by Blake's side of the family. What a great day! We got tons of wonderful gifts...these babies are set! Other than a few very small things- we've got everything we could possibly need in order to prepare for their arrival. It's pretty funny, but my concern all along has been to get things for the babies to go "in". Bumbo chairs, swings, bouncy chairs, jumperoo's, Johnny/Jenny Jump Up's, and Boppy's...I just want to make sure these babies have somewhere to go since Blake and I have only 2 arms each. ;-) I think we have every form of "sitting" thing out there! I didn't take many pics because Grandma Marit's best friend Diane was there and not only does she take fabulous pictures, but she takes TONS! Here's a pic of me and the Grandma's:Finally, I'm 31 weeks tomorrow which is SO exciting! I'll start out the day with a Dr appointment- can't wait to see the little one's! Here's a pic taken yesterday of the quickly growing belly at a day shy of 31 weeks! The babies are running out of doubt about it!

Many Blessings,
Blake, Noelle and Babies