Hi everyone!
We're into our 32nd week which is a BIG milestone for twins. Yay babies.....so happy they have stayed snuggled in this long. Just a few more weeks longer and then we'll be BEGGING you both to make your appearances!
We had our first big "test" yesterday at our Dr's appointment where each baby scored a PERFECT 10! They showed good fluid in their amniotic sacs, both had frequent movement, both were "practice breathing" and both had good heart accelerations when they moved. We were SO proud!
Here's where the title of this post comes into play.....from here on out we're playing a "numbers game". Dr. W. came in after all of the testing and told us that everything looks great so far. He then went over some of the statistics on twin pregnancies to help us get ready for the next few weeks.
First of all, the medication I am on to minimize contractions (Nifedipine) will be discontinued at week 34 or 35. Statistics show that after week 34, the effectiveness of the medication decreases....basically if my body starts to go into labor, it will do so whether or not I'm on the medication.
After discontinuing the Nifedipine at week 34 or 35, about 1/3rd of women will go into labor within a few days.
Dr W. also said that about 60% of twins are born at week 37 or sooner.
We will, however, schedule a c-section the week of May 24th which happens to be my 38th week....however there is about a 10-15% chance I will make it that long.
A c-section will be scheduled because Baby A (boy) is breech. Baby A's positioning determines how delivery will go and because he has been breech for the last 5-6 weeks......there is a slim chance he will flip around.
So, friends......anytime in the next 6 weeks these long awaited miracles will be here! How absolutely CRAZY is that? We're busy getting ready for them- setting up their swings, bouncy chairs, pack-n-play, packing hospital bags and finishing up their nursery. It's unbeleviable that in just weeks we will be parents!!
I'm feeling these two move around like crazy lately. Soon, they will start running out of room and their movements will decrease but thankfully, they are still very active. They both get the hiccups at least once a day.....baby girl usually gets them 2-3 times a day!
I feel really good.....but I am sleeping horribly. It is directly related to the 5-6 trips to the bathroom a night AND my newest pregnancy "gift" (if you will) which is carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists. My hands are very swollen....but it's now causing swelling in my wrists which is making my hands/fingers numb. Ugh, stinks!
Blake is still busy with work and preparing to open another AFC home on July 1st which will be very exciting. I'm working diligently to get everything organized for my boss who will be upkeeping my accounts while I'm on maternity leave. We're enjoying this beautiful weather......I've been working outside more and more lately because the sun feels so great and I know this summer with the twins.....I will most likely be too busy to enjoy the weather. Finally, we're SO excited for Auntie Kimmy, Uncle Jeff and cousins Izaak and Landon to move down (officially) at the end of April. They're living in Eagan and I am SO excited to live in the same viscinity as my sister......the first time in 11 years!
That's it for now. If anything progresses.....I'll be sure to update. Also, next Thursday we have our next bit "test" for the babies as well as a growth scan so I'll post the babies estimated weights. Blake thinks his son is going to be at least 6lbs......we'll see about that! Here's the latest belly pic....growing, growing, growing!

Many Blessings,
Blake, Noelle and Babies